
The Shark Angling Club of Great Britain hold a three-day Shark Angling Festival each year.

It is held in Looe and normally takes place in July.  The event starts on the Tuesday evening when the anglers and skippers attend the draw to determine which boats the competitors are with for each of the three days.

The intention of the draw is to have anglers fishing with different anglers, on different boats during the three days. This allows individuals to discuss the sport and exchange views with anglers and skippers whom they may not have fished with previously.

Anglers can however choose to fish with the same (a maximum of two anglers can partner) colleague on each of the three days if they prefer.

The fishing takes place on the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

The prize giving is held on the Friday evening and there are angler and skipper prizes for the sharks with the highest points scores and the most sharks caught and released. There is also a prize for the angler with the most cumulative points over the three days.

The points score of a shark is calculated by adding together the dimensions, in inches from the nose to the fork of the tail and the girth taken to the front of, but not including the dorsal fin.


Previous Festival Winners

2024 | 2023 | 2022|2021 |20202019 | 2018| 2017201620152014 | 2013 |2012 | 2011 | 2010 |2009 |2008 |2007 | 2006| 2005 |2004 |2003 |2002