Members Questions to the Committee

Q: Can I get a replacement certificate as mines is lost/has been destroyed?
A: Yes, provided that the information you supply can be verified by SACGB records. Please email secretary with known details

Q: What determines a shark as a qualifier?
A: We no longer weigh sharks to confirm full membership. if it is a blue Shark, provided the length from the tip of the nose to the fork of the tail is a minimum of 70” it is a qualifier. The equivalent length for Porbeagle is 55″, for Thresher is 48″ and for Mako it is 58″.

Q: What is the British Measured & Released Record?
A: This listing replaces the British Record listing where fish must be weighed and very probably killed to do so. These records are awarded on the combined girth and nose to fork of tail dimensions, eg a 106” nose to fork of tail and a girth of 44” is a shark with a points score of 150 in Measured & Released terms

Q: How do I make payments to the SACGB?
A: This can be done by cheque to SACGB, c/o The Harbour Office, Buller Quay, East Looe, PL13 1DX or by Bank Transfer to,
Lloyds BankAcc name: Shark Angling Club of Great Britain
Sort Code: 30-95-08
Account No: 00692083

Q: Is it possible to have an inter-port competition organised by the SACGB?
A: The SACGB currently don’t have the resource or the level of skipper membership in other ports to organise this. It remains an ambition of the SACGB to achieve this

Q: Is it possible to have a team event at the Annual SACGB Festival?
A: The answer is yes, but its restricted to two persons per team. 

Q: To help me budget for the Annual Festival can I pay in monthly instalments?
A: Yes this is possible, please find details here

Q: Can my son/daughter who is under 12 years of age become a member?
A: There are no age restrictions on membership but a member under the age of 16 will be classed as a junior Full Member or a Junior Associate Member, whichever is appropriate. 

It is important to the committee that their actions develop the club, wherever possible, in line with members expectations and continue to deliver the level of engagement and membership value expected from a club with our history and pedigree. In support of this objective the committee welcome all member suggestions, observations and questions. This can be done in writing to, The Secretary, c/o The Harbour Office, Buller Quay, East Looe, PL13 1DX by or via the form below.

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